Our Mission

Connect disabled founders with the resources they need to thrive.

Disabled people are historically underserved by resources and programs targeting entrepreneurs. 2GI seeks to challenge the entrepreneurial ecosystem by supporting founders with disabilities, and flipping the narrative to see disability as a competitive advantage for businesses.

What we Do

Support high-growth, high-impact startups led by people with disabilities.

At 2Gether-International we’re creating entrepreneurial communities, where peer support, expert mentorship, and a network of possibilities is within reach for Disabled Founders. We’re bringing together masters of industry and emerging leaders, committed to expanding businesses and accommodation for people with disabilities.

How We Do It

Expert mentorship, peer support, and programs for disabled entrepreneurs.

We offer a robust curriculum of community meet ups, one-on-one coaching, mentorship from industry leaders, and curated business development education, with the singular goal of setting Disabled Founders up for success. We’re changing the landscape of business ownership, together with our network of community collaborators and partners.

Why We Do IT

Because we believe in the potential of people with disabilities.

The innate entrepreneurial mindset of disabled people has been an overlooked asset in the professional ecosystem for far too long. We believe that every disabled person has the potential to be a creator, an innovator, and a leader in the entrepreneurial space. We’re here to make sure they have the resources they need to thrive.

Friends hanging out
How you can Help

Partner with us to flip the narrative around disability.

When you partner with 2GI as a donor, volunteer, sponsor, or community partner you’re joining a team of industry change-makers leading the way for disabled entrepreneurs everywhere. Together we’re creating a startup landscape that is not only accessible but built especially for people with disabilities.